Sunday, April 29, 2018

Starting Over 2018:

Grassroots' Leaders...The Federated Republican Women, from the national level (NFRW) to the state level (MoFRW) to the district level (MoFRW Fourth Congressional District) to the local level.  At all levels, the aim of the Federated Republican Women is to carry out the objectives and policies of the Republican Party, elect Republican candidates, inform the public through political education and activity, and increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good governance.

Our individual Republican Women's Clubs reach into every area of the Fourth Congressional District and bring the values of conservatism to our local communities by sponsoring initiatives to carry out our mission.

The Clubs of the Fourth
Barton County Federated Women's Club, Benton County Republican Women's Club, Boone County Republican Women, CeCo Federated Republican Women, Dade County Republican Women, Hickory County Federated Republican Women, Johnson County Republican Women's Club, McKinley Federated Republican Women, Pettis County Republican Women's Club, Randolph County Federated Republican Women, and St. Clair County Republican Women's Club.
 Highlights about the Trumpet and Herald
The Trumpet and Herald is available to the members of the Fourth District Republican Women and Republican Women statewide!  We also encourage the public to participate!  The information provided through the Trumpet and Herald is intended to be fact-based and of benefit to Republican Women as resource information as we work within our communities.
Our Blog categories are Civic Matters(information about the role of government, policies and issues affecting the Fourth District), Elected Officials (state and national officials relevant to the Fourth District), Legislative Briefs(summaries of legislation of interest to the Fourth District), Fourth District Women(getting acquainted with one another-no tell-alls-just attaboys for our efforts) Conservative Thought(opinions from members and others), The Light Side(humor and witty thought), and the Events Calendar.

This Blog project is in the development stage, but we are pleased to announce that we have acquired contributing writers, a renewed interest and time to post!

Please subscribe to the Blog by entering your email address and following the cues so the Blog may be delivered to your Email Inbox!


The Heritage Foundation: A Recognized Conservative Advocacy Group

The Heritage Foundation is noted for working with the U.S. Representatives and Senators in policy making and staying within the U.S. Constitution and conservative values. When policies are created and considered, the Heritage Foundation are experts in evaluating the benefits and outcome of the policy. When the policy is not favorable to the experts, they spend time teaching the congressmen and women along with the public why it is not favorable and how it can become detrimental to our society and economy.
Over the last few years, the Heritage Foundation has created a community based organization  called "Heritage Action For America."  It is a conservative force on Capitol Hill. Their guiding philosophy comes from President Ronald Reagan, "If you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat." They have a proven track record of halting bad legislation and work with Congressional allies to introduce legislation that puts our nation back on the path to prosperity. The Heritage Action For America extension uses Sentinels, committed conservatives which is a grassroots army of nearly 350,000 activists doing the ground work in local communities. You can become a Sentinel and be a part of a weekly update strategy call informing you of ways to advance their goals. Go to to join.