Monday, January 20, 2014

Celebrating the Organization

Women having an active role in government was gained with the enactment of the 19th Amendment August 26, 1920.  Before and after this date women have spoken positively and forcefully for the traditional values of America.

The National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW) is a grassroots political organization with thousands of members across the nation and in several US territories making it one of the largest and most influential women's political organizations in the country.
Founded in 1938, the Federated Women work to promote the principles, objectives and policies of the Republican Party; elect Republican candidates; inform the public through political education and activity and increase the effectiveness of women in the cause of good government.
The Missouri Federation of Republican Women (MoFRW) predates the national organization!  The MoFRW was established in 1930 through the efforts of Grace S. Burlingham and others. As charter members of the national organization, the Missouri delegation joined with ten other states in 1938 to found the NFRW.
The earliest Republican Women's club in Missouri was the 20th Century Republican Women's Club of Kansas City organized in 1920.  Missouri Republican women will soon celebrate 100 years of active engagement with the Party and as citizens promoting good governance!

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