Monday, June 23, 2014

What Does Senator Roy Blunt Do In Washington?

...As Missouri's senior and highest ranking elected official, he plays an integral role in providing a voice for us-his constituents!

Among his many duties, perhaps, his committee work is the most valuable to his constituents' individual needs.  Roy Blunt serves on the following committees:

  • Committee on Appropriations-Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration and Related agencies.  Other Subcommittees are Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Environment , Department of State, Foreign Operation, Defense and Related Programs and Agencies.
  • Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation-Ranking Member of the Commerce Subcommittee on Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety, and Security.  Other Subcommittees include Aviation Operations, Communications, Technology and the Internet, Competitiveness, Innovation, and Export Promotion, Consumer Protection, Product Safety, and Insurance.
  • Committee on Armed Services-Including the Subcommittees of Airland, Personnel, Readiness and Management Support.
Information about his most recent action is provided through this press release of June 19, 2014!

Senator Blunt Fights To Block EPA Takeover of Private, State Waters

Senator Blunt along with 29 colleagues introduced legislation to stop the EPA from taking over all private and state water in the US..."I'm proud to co-sponsor this bill with Senator John Barrasso, and I'll continue working with my colleagues to stop the Obama Administration from infringing on Missourians' private properties."
A more complete explanation of this legislation, other legislation he has introduced and the means to contact him to express support can be found at .This is the address of his official Website!  Also, if you have not gotten acquainted with the many Field Representatives from Senator Blunt's Offices across the state, please take time to contact the office in your area and chat with the Representative nearest you!

Friday, June 20, 2014

About Cindy Graves!

Highlighting Our State Convention Guest!

Just who is this lady with the big personality!  Cindy Graves, Director for Region 6, kept us entertained with her good humor and her to-the-point comments about getting out to the folks and staying active about what we Republican Women believe!  Although she can TALK, she also walks the talk!  She is a past president of the Florida Federation of Republican Women, currently a Republican state committeewoman of Duval County, played a leading role in the campaigns of Senator Marco Rubio, Attorney General Pam Bondi, and Governor Rick Scott!  Her strong support and voice of determination for Republicans has also led her to create a popular talk radio show! 

Cynthia Smith reached out to Cindy through her Facebook page and reports that Cindy says give her a call during the Cindy Graves Show from 11-1 CST at 904-222-8255.  Cynthia did just that and let her know that we ladies of Missouri are fans of hers!  Cindy may be reached at or at Cindy's Facebook page. 

Let's give her a Show-me "Y'all just come on back anytime!" greeting!


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

...In Case You Missed It!

Catherine Hanaway's Op-ed on the Right to Farm amendment ran over the weekend in the Springfield News-Leader.

In her words:  Missouri is endowed with vast opportunities to create jobs through agriculture.  Missouri is the only state with the two largest navigable rivers in the United States flowing through its borders that can carry products to major ports for international transport.  Missouri is blessed with fertile farmland that produces $3.9 billion worth of soybeans and corn, while maintaining a $1.9 billion beef industry.  Missouri's poultry and pork industries are valued at $1.3 billion and $882 million.

Missouri's total agriculture sector is valued slightly above $9 billion, and Missouri is ranked No. 2 nationally for total number of farms!

Missouri's agricultural economy creates wide-ranging jobs far beyond the fields. Agriculture jobs range from technical education such as fabrication and implement repair to food and fuel processing to scientists working in the animal health corridor in the western half of the state and in plant science at our universities to start-up companies and to established global companies headquartered in Missouri.

The future growth and opportunity in Missouri jobs is vested at all levels of the agriculture sector.

In the short term, we must protect the agricultural sector from burdensome regulations and federal overreach by passing the Right to Farm amendment this August...In the long term, this is our opportunity to lead the becoming the No. 1 agribusiness state in the United States!

Let's go tell the world!

Catherine Hanaway is a former speaker of the Missouri House and Republican candidate for governor working for the success of Missourians.

Support the Farming Rights Amendment August 5th!

Missourians are being called upon to be sentinels...protectors...champions of our land, our waterways and the life that is supported through these resources. 

Keep Missouri Farming

Missouri agriculture is the foundation and stabilizing force of Missouri's economy, but in recent times it has been attacked!
Thoughtless and misguided outside groups such as HSUS, PETA, Sierra Club and Water-Keepers Alliance are advocating that legislators pass burdensome and expensive regulations.  If allowed to succeed, these groups would cause farmers to reduce production or totally end their businesses.  The prohibitions proposed by these groups would make farming and ranching less profitable, the food supply less safe and reduce the food supply, thereby, causing food costs to rise for the consumer.
Missourians respect the land and the resources recognizing that both must be nurtured to allow all life to flourish.
Missourians through the support of the Missouri Farming Rights Amendment will endorse the values that exemplify our conservative traditions of free markets, individual responsibility and need for a secure future.
I am assured this fall, Missouri voters will answer the call...become the sentinels, protectors, and champions of Missouri agriculture through the passage of the Missouri Farming Rights Amendment!

Missouri Republican Women