Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Support the Farming Rights Amendment August 5th!

Missourians are being called upon to be sentinels...protectors...champions of our land, our waterways and the life that is supported through these resources. 

Keep Missouri Farming

Missouri agriculture is the foundation and stabilizing force of Missouri's economy, but in recent times it has been attacked!
Thoughtless and misguided outside groups such as HSUS, PETA, Sierra Club and Water-Keepers Alliance are advocating that legislators pass burdensome and expensive regulations.  If allowed to succeed, these groups would cause farmers to reduce production or totally end their businesses.  The prohibitions proposed by these groups would make farming and ranching less profitable, the food supply less safe and reduce the food supply, thereby, causing food costs to rise for the consumer.
Missourians respect the land and the resources recognizing that both must be nurtured to allow all life to flourish.
Missourians through the support of the Missouri Farming Rights Amendment will endorse the values that exemplify our conservative traditions of free markets, individual responsibility and need for a secure future.
I am assured this fall, Missouri voters will answer the call...become the sentinels, protectors, and champions of Missouri agriculture through the passage of the Missouri Farming Rights Amendment!

Missouri Republican Women




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