Saturday, July 26, 2014

August 5, 2014 Ballot Issues Review

...The Countdown is Underway!  ...Time to Consider the Issues!

This election cycle, the August ballot contains several Constitutional Amendments for Missouri voters to consider. 

Constitutional Amendment No. 1:  Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to ensure that the right of Missouri citizens to engage in agricultural production and ranching practices shall not be infringed?
The potential costs or savings to governmental entities are unknown, but likely limited unless the resolution leads to increased litigation costs and/or the loss of federal funding.

Constitutional Amendment No. 1 is commonly referred to as the Farming Rights Amendment and is widely supported in rural Missouri.  A YES vote would mean you are in favor of this amendment.

Constitutional Amendment No. 5:  Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to include a declaration that the right to keep and bear arms is a unalienable right and that the state government is obligated to uphold that right?
State and local governmental entities should have no direct costs or savings from this proposal.  However, the proposal's passage will likely lead to increased litigation and criminal justice related costs.  The total potential costs are unknown, but could be significant.

The amendment appears to be an iteration of the US Constitution Second Amendment.  A YES vote would mean you are in favor of this amendment.

Constitutional Amendment No.7:  Should the Missouri Constitution be changed to enact a temporary sales tax of 3/4 of one percent to be used solely to fund state and local highways, roads, bridges and transportation projects for ten years, with priority given to repairing unsafe roads and bridges?
This change is expected to produce $480 million annually to the state's Transportation Safety and Job Creation Fund and $54 million for local governments.  Increases in the gas tax will be prohibited.  This revenue shall only be used for transportation purposes and cannot be diverted for other uses.

Discussion of this amendment may be found in the Missouri Times, a political newspaper based out of Jefferson City.  The article of July 6 may also be found at  The tax proposed is a 10 year tax.  A YES vote would mean you are in favor of this amendment.

Constitutional Amendment No. 8:  Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to create a "Veterans Lottery Ticket" and to use the revenue from the sale of these tickets for projects and services related to veterans?
The annual cost or savings to state and local governmental entities is unknown, but likely minimal,  If sales of a veterans lottery ticket game decreases existing lottery ticket sales, the profits of which fund education, there could be a small annual shift in funding from education to veterans' programs.

A YES vote would mean you are in favor of this amendment.

Constitutional Amendment No 9:  Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended so that the people shall be secure in their electronic communications and data from unreasonable searches and seizures as they are now likewise secure in their persons, homes, papers and effects?
State and local governmental entities expect no significant costs or savings.

This is similar to the legislative actions of 20 other states to protect the privacy of individuals.  This is legislative referred (SCS SJR No. 27) and was passed overwhelmingly.  A YES vote would mean you are in favor of this amendment.

Please take the time to consider these ballot issues! 

Please encourage everyone to get out to the polls on August 5th!

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